Monday, June 8, 2015

Resourcefulness is the Ultimate Resource

I LOVE this quote by Tony Robbins: "Resourcefulness is the ultimate Resource."

This helps me to understand that with our small businesses, if we think we lack resources, that outlook can shift if we learn to cultivate Resourcefulness! Think about how kids create whole worlds from very little resources (like this sweet fairy house our littlest daughter Gwen built). Let's become inspired with how creative we can be and reinvent & invigorate our business model. There are many studies of entrepreneurs who have changed their lives in this way in Chris Guillebeau's books: The Happiness of Pursuit & The $100 Startup. Filled with inspiring stories of people who have changed their lives by following personal quests and turning their "resourcefulness" into business "resources." Check em out!

And to finish this post, here's Tony Robbin's Three "S's" for business:
1: Create a "Strategy"
2: Cultivate the right "Story" (Divorce the stories of the past that are limiting our growth and marry an Empowering Story that empowers us to Act. The glue that holds our businesses together is our Story.)
3: Be mindful of our "State": with personal and spiritual awareness, self care, relationships, inspiration, motivation, and the ability to manage a mindset that allows us to find an empowering meaning to whatever life gives us.
    - Thank you as always - Anthony Robbins!

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